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The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) hosts walks all over the country each year. NEDA is the largest non-profit that advocates, provides support, and education for those struggling with an eating disorder or loved ones seeking help and information.

The walks are a fundraising opportunities for NEDA. This year, 60% of the proceeds raised to directly back to The Eating Disorder Foundation of Denver (EDF). They hosted the event this year. The event allows for participants to walk in honor of loved ones. This year, I walked for myself, my friends I've lost to the disorder, my friends still struggling, and the amazing recovery community I have surrounding me.

In addition to the walk, the guest speaker was Carmen Cool MA, LPC . Carmen brought an awareness to the crowd of how to use rebellion and resistance in recovery and what thin privilege means. Here are a few quotes from her speech. I will most likely blog on this quotes down the road.

"My body isn't a problem that needs to be solved."

"Resist the urge that our body should look a different way."

"Resist the outcome of weight instead of the process of life."

"I want to live in a world where all bodies are safe."

If you have any thoughts or initial reactions about the quotes. I welcome any feedback.

Also, you can still donate to NEDA and 60% of the proceeds will go back to (EDF) until October 9, 2018. Here is the link for the Denver Walk.

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